The San Pedro journey gives us the possibility to walk with this Grandfather opening our hearts and minds to the vibration of the mountains, the lakes and their higher frequencies reconnecting with our innervoice and the voice of our ancestors walking our lives in unity with the infinite love and understanding from the Great Spirit. We will walk on Pisacs beautiful highlands and we will also experience the costumes and way of life of the local communities along the path, offering a direct interaction with this ancient knowledge that has been kept in time against the increasing globalization.
We promote a sustainable use of this biocultural legacy in the native practices of the Pisac region.
The San Pedro Cactus (Huachuma, Aguacoya) represents undoubtely one of the most ancient and powerful magic plants of South America. Huachuma contains as its main alkaloid mescaline, as well as several related alkaloids. This master plant is a powerful medicine that is able to cure sickness at any level.
The Huachuma will be employed as a catalyst that activates all the spiritual forces that rest in holy places like caves, rocks, lakes, to give the person the possibility of being the owner of his or her own identity. We will be able to develop our innerpowers including the sixth sense. The telepathic sense of transmitting oneself across time and matter.
After drinking the medicine you will have a different perception of your body and will feel lighter and sensitive to what you perceive in your sourroundings. Possibly a dizziness or dreaming feeling will come at the beginning. then a state of consciousness and clearity will begin.

The San Pedro ceremony we practice is an ancient design that represents a reflexion of life itself. With much more respect and humbleness we will open a sacred space around the fire grandfather.
The fire works like the focal point where all the intentions and prayers from the participants will be absorbed and sent again to the universe giving thanks for the gift of our existence and everything that this represents. We will remember our purpose in life honoring the seven directions and we will open ourselves to keep on learning how to live the good ways of life of love and understanding.

Ayahuasca is a master plant that grows in the Amazon jungle. Ayahuasca is known and used since ancient times by the native tribes of the Amazon that consider this plant the spirit of the jungle. It is used for cleaning and healing the spirit and the body. It teaches us and guides us to understand our purpose in live and our relation with the universe. Ceremonies will be lead by a medicine man from the shipibo tribe that is located in the shores of the Ucayali river. It is important to maintain a special diet before taking this medicine.
These baths are given with special plants and flowers (ruda, retama, arrayan, etc.) and are basically for purification and cleansing of the energy and the vibration of the body. By this we will release the energies that block us from developing our inner powers. We will ensure the continued development of our spiritual powers in order to manifest positively the course of events in life, and live the life we wish.